Lesser Prairie Chicken
July 2016 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Removes Lesser Prairie-Chicken from List of Threatened and Endangered Species in Accordance with Court Order
Information on this website may not be current. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is undertaking a new status review to determine whether listing is again warranted.
USFWS Lists Lesser Prairie Chicken as Threatened (March 27)
More News:
PUBLICATION: Working Lands for Wildlife (from the Natural Resources Conservation Service)
FINAL DRAFT: LPC Range-wide Conservation Plan
Prepared by the LPC Interstate Working Group with assistance from the Ecosystem Management Research Institute. Additional comments may be sent to Jan Caulfield Consulting, 114 S. Franklin St., Suite 2013, Juneau, AK 99801, or janc@gci.net.
ALSO SEE: Frequently Asked Questions | USFWS Public Meeting Schedule | Notice in Federal Register
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering a move to list the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened or endangered species because of a population decline of more than 90 percent since settlement.
Within one year of that date, FWS will have to make a final decision whether the species warrants listing according to the Endangered Species Act. If so, FWS will determine whether to list it as threatened or endangered. If listed, land management decisions could be affected on over 100 million acres where the lesser prairie chicken currently is found. |
Kansas LPC: Focal Areas |
- Kansas Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative (NRCS)
- National Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)
- Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie Chickens (Oct. 2012)
- Range-wide Population Estimation and Monitoring for Lesser Prairie Chickens
Conservation Planning
A Range-wide Conservation Plan for the Lesser Prairie Chicken
A Conservation Plan for the Five State Region
Conservation: Project Background
- Natural Resources Conservation Service LPC Initiative
- USDA Service Center Locator
- Scope of Responsibilities
- Kansas Partners for Fish and Wildlife (ALSO: Contacts)
- Pheasants Forever
- The Nature Conservancy
Ken Brunson, Red Hills Project Coordinator; 620-872-3230 ext. 110 - Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Information and More Contacts
- Focal Area Maps
- Map of expiring CRP land in Kansas
- LPC Survey Routes in Kansas
- Map: LPC Biologists in Kansas (map also shown below)
- How to contact LPC Wildlife Biologists in Kansas
- Private Lands Habitat Assistance Programs